The Meditation Experience
Most of us have preconceived ideas about meditation. Kriya Meditation seeks to define the meditative state through focusing on the seven chakras which can lead to a greater awareness an expanded consciousness. To meditate is to rise to planes inaccessible to our daily existence; however, the goal of meditation is to integrate the states of consciousness attained into our daily lives--a type of liberation from our current state of being
Increased relaxation
can be a consequence of daily meditation
increased awareness
of not only yourself, but others and the greater world
increased understanding
of who you are and what you really want
increased feeling of self worth
anytime we spend time on ourselves, on our consciousness we are given a heightened sense of who we are and why we are here. This is not to say you will be a rock star, but you might feel like one and this is good as long as you recognize the real reason you are feeling this way.
increased mental fitness
the more you exercise your mind the more flexible it becomes.
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Photo Above The Three Wisdoms
taken by Vicki Milewski