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To work on your consciousness is not to isolate yourself from the real, from others, from the world or to lose yourself in dreams and hallucinations.  To work on your consciousness means to make direct contact with your life, with the greater parts of life, to force your way into the concrete, physical reality we have all constructed together.

The Buddha argued about states of consciousness.  Are not happiness, anxiety, sadness all states of consciousness?  So if I am displeased with my state of consciousness, I should change it to a better, more pleasing state.

It's like placing the rising star in the east into your heart.

reaching unified thought

since what is concentrated on is seen as the one concentrating

Mystical Dream Tending

is beyond keeping a journal of your dream time and about actually cultivating the richness of your inner world

leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman was a seeker like you and I and he understood the blade of grass is not there to benefit my soul's search for knowledge, no it is there to show me a piece of me, a leaf of the tree that I am

constructed maya--illusion

is the constructed reality we all share in making, believing that we are only material beings instead of spiritual beings experiencing the material world, a world we constructed

redefining life

so that any attachment to it can be undone, freeing us to see our liberation

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Photo above  Rocks and Sky

taken by Vicki Milewski

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